Central Post Office

1937 – 2010


The Fondaco housed the Post Offices until October 9, 2010. On the ground floor, parcels and registered mail were sent and collected, stamps were bought and money orders were filled out. On the first floor, towards the side of the Salizada, several counter services were open to the public. In 1959 the painter Giuseppe Santomaso (Venice, 1907-1990) frescoed an entire wall of the management office on the second floor of the building, facing the Rialto Bridge. This fresco of ten meters by four, made grainy by the coarse-grained plaster used by the artist, represents the Italian territory crossed by telecommunication wires in a style that recalls the undulating landscapes of Kandinskij, who had presented his works at the Biennale in the German Pavilion just a year before.

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